Review & Payment Proof Review & Payment Proof
In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing and online monetization, publishers are constantly looking for innovative ways to generate revenue from their websites. is one of the leading ad networks that offers a unique advertising solution for publishers worldwide. In this article, we’ll provide an in-depth review of, exploring its features, benefits, and payment proof to help you decide if it’s the right choice for your website.

What is is a global advertising platform founded in 2007, known for its innovative ad formats and seamless integration. Unlike traditional ad networks that rely heavily on display ads, Infolinks focuses on non-intrusive, in-text, and contextual ads. This means the ads appear within the content of your website, making them less disruptive to the user experience while still delivering relevant ads to your visitors.

Key Features of Infolinks
  1. Diverse Ad Formats: Infolinks offers a variety of ad formats to suit different website needs:
  • InText Ads: These are the most popular ad format, where specific keywords in your content are automatically hyperlinked to relevant ads.
  • InFold Ads: These are innovative ads that appear at the bottom of a user's browser, expanding only when hovered over.
  • InTag Ads: This format displays a tag cloud of relevant keywords that link to related ads.
  • InFrame Ads: These ads utilize unused screen margins, ideal for websites with wide audiences.
  • InArticle Ads: Ads placed between paragraphs of articles, designed to blend naturally with the content.
  1. Easy Integration: Infolinks can be easily integrated into any website platform, including WordPress, Joomla, and Blogger. You don’t need advanced technical skills; a simple code snippet in your website’s header or body section does the trick.
  2. Contextual Targeting: Infolinks uses advanced algorithms to ensure that ads are contextually relevant to the content on your website, increasing the chances of user engagement and click-through rates.
  3. Non-Intrusive Ads: Unlike traditional pop-ups or flashy banner ads, Infolinks ads are designed to be less intrusive, enhancing the user experience while maximizing ad revenue.
  4. Global Reach: With publishers and advertisers worldwide, Infolinks caters to a global audience, ensuring a wide range of ads and higher revenue potential.

How to Get Started with Infolinks
Getting started with Infolinks is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
  1. Sign Up: Visit and sign up for a free account. You’ll need to provide some basic information about your website and agree to their terms and conditions.
  2. Website Approval: Once registered, Infolinks will review your website to ensure it meets its quality guidelines. The approval process usually takes a few days.
  3. Integration: After approval, you’ll receive a unique code snippet to integrate into your website. Copy and paste this code into your website’s HTML header or body section.
  4. Customize Ad Settings: Choose the ad formats that best suit your website’s layout and design. Infolinks allows you to customize the appearance and placement of ads to match your website’s look and feel.
  5. Start Earning: Once the ads are live, you’ll start earning revenue based on the clicks and impressions generated by the ads on your site.

How Much Can You Earn with Infolinks?
Earnings with Infolinks can vary greatly depending on several factors, such as the amount of traffic your site receives, the geographic location of your visitors, the type of content, and the ad formats you choose. Infolinks operates on a Cost-Per-Click (CPC) and Cost-Per-Mille (CPM) basis, meaning you earn revenue when visitors click on ads or when ads receive a certain number of impressions.
Publishers report varying earnings, with some smaller sites making a few dollars per month and larger, high-traffic sites earning hundreds or even thousands of dollars monthly. The key to maximizing your earnings is to experiment with different ad formats and placements to see which works best for your audience.

Payment Methods and Proof
One of the major considerations when choosing an ad network is the payment options and reliability. Infolinks offers several payment methods to accommodate publishers worldwide:
  • PayPal: A popular choice for many publishers due to its ease of use and global reach. Payments are processed monthly, with a minimum payout threshold of $50.
  • Bank Transfer: Direct deposits to your bank account are available for publishers who prefer this option. The minimum payout threshold for bank transfers is $100.
  • Payoneer: Another convenient payment option, especially for publishers outside the United States. The minimum payout for Payoneer is $50.
  • eCheck: For publishers in the United States, Infolinks also offers payment via eCheck, with a minimum payout of $100.
Payment Proof: To provide transparency, many publishers share their payment proof online. A quick search for "Infolinks payment proof" will yield numerous screenshots and testimonials from satisfied publishers who have received their payments on time. This adds to the credibility of Infolinks as a reliable ad network. Payment Proof
Pros and Cons of Using Infolinks
  • Easy to integrate and use, with no technical expertise required.
  • Non-intrusive ad formats that do not disrupt the user experience.
  • Global reach with diverse ad formats and relevant targeting.
  • Multiple payment options to suit different preferences and locations.
  • Timely payments with a relatively low minimum payout threshold.

  • Lower earnings potential compared to some other ad networks, especially for websites with low traffic.
  • Ad relevance can sometimes be hit or miss, depending on the content and audience.
  • Limited control over the types of ads displayed.

Conclusion is a viable option for website owners looking to monetize their content with non-intrusive ads. Its ease of use, diverse ad formats, and reliable payment options make it an attractive choice for new and seasoned publishers. While the earnings may vary based on several factors, the platform offers a flexible and effective way to generate additional revenue. If you are looking for a supplementary ad network or want to diversify your income streams, Infolinks is worth considering.
With transparent payment proof and a user-friendly interface, Infolinks stands out as a trustworthy and efficient ad network in the digital advertising landscape.

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